Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Third visit in Freiburg

It’s time to update my travel blog again. After a long hiatus I have finally something new to write about, a new visit to the wonderful town of Freiburg in southwest Germany. I arrived on Monday evening and on Tuesday I and my girlfriend Annina went to a new swimming place which had just opened. It is located in a city called Titisee-Neustadt not far from the village Hinterzarten that I visited last time. The swimming place is called Badeparadies Schwarzwald and is divided into three, one big building with slides, one big Laguna with palms and a sauna area. Unfortunately the slides were closes the day we were there, but the rest was still very nice. The palm oasis as it was called was a big pool with sun chairs around it and palms spread throughout the building. There was a bar in the pool, and you could sit on chairs that were under water and have a cocktail or a beer. It was very classy and cool. Unfortunately I was not allowed to take any photos. The sauna area was also very nice. There were 4-5 different saunas that you could sit in and a room with cold water to cool yourself of. We spent the day swimming, relaxing, eating and overall feeling like we were staying in a luxury hotel.

On the way to Badeparadies Schwarzwald we drove past a local tourist attraction. I had seen it before when going to Hinterzarten with the train, but this time we were driving a car and could stop and get a better photo. It is a statue of a deer atop a cliff overlooking the road.

On Wednesday while Annina was at work I walked around in Freiburg and up to the lookout tower located on a small hill in the city. I took a lot of new photos, but I won’t write that much about it since I already covered this during my first visit in Freiburg. Take a look in the photo album in the bottom of this post to see the photos.

On Thursday me and Annina went out for breakfast in a nice café called Aspekt. We had a monster breakfast called “Europe” which was meant for two people, but it could easily suit 3 or 4. We were both really stuffed afterwards!

Annina had to work the whole Friday, so I went with Annina’s mom and brother on a trip to a small piece of land they owned with cherry trees. It is full spring now in Freiburg and the cherry trees were all covered in white flowers. On the way there we also drove past a few castles! The piece of land is located south of Freiburg towards the Swiss border and you could see both Switzerland and France in the distance. The landscape was so beautiful with the white cherry trees and wine yards covering the hillsides! On the way back we drove over the Rhien River and into France to go food shopping. We also bought ice-cream and ate it while looking out over the river.

As the sun was going down we stopped at a place just west of Freiburg with amazing views of the surrounding landscape. It was a lookout atop a hill with vineyards all along the hillside. The road was small and narrow, but it was very cool to drive up and to look out over the fields, small villages and France in the distance. I took a picture of a map to try and show you the places we visited.

On the weekend I went with Annina to visit her family. On Saturday we went to a city called Baden-Baden about two hours drive north of Freiburg. One of Annina’s aunt’s lives there and a lot of her family on her father’s side were gathered there this day. They had a wonderful house and we spent the day playing billiard and walking in the woods surrounding it. In the evening we watched old movies from when Annina’s dad was young that her grandfather had filmed with an old video camera.

On Sunday we drove further to a small village called Münklingen where Annina’s grandmother lives. She was celebrating her birthday and most of Annina’s family on her mother’s side was gathered there. We had a wonderful lunch in the local restaurant and walked a nice walk around the village. In the end of the day we visited Annina’s uncle who has just opened his own massage practice where he lives in Rutesheim. I met a lot of people during this weekend and they were all nice and friendly.

On Wednesday I and Annina went for a day trip to Switzerland and the city of Basel which is located just over the border from Germany. We drove to a town just outside of Basel, parked there and took the train into the city centre. Basel is a nice city with many cool looking buildings. The city is split by the Rhien River which flows through Basel. We walked around for a while before visiting the Pfarramt Münster, a church right next to the river. Here we climbed up into one of the two church towers and had a great view of Basel. Be sure to check out the photo album for more photos!

Basel: 06. April 2011

We also visited a museum called the Museum Tinguely. Tinguely was a man who is famous for creating funny machines from scrap metal and other junk that have no purpose. It was a very cool museum and you could try all the different machines. Tinguely created a very unique type of art! We also visited a monument called Dreiländereck. It marks the corner where the border of Germany, Switzerland and France all collide. Although the real border was a few meters out in the Rhien River you could almost stand with one foot and a hand in all three countries!

In the evening after we were back in Freiburg we went to a cinema who had something called “pay after”. Basically they showed a random new movie and then you decided afterwards how much you wanted to pay based on how much you liked the movie. The movie we watched was called “Mother and Child”, an American drama. It was dubbed to Germany so it was a bit harder to understand everything, but I think I got the main plot!

That ends this post and my third visit to Freiburg. I had wonderful weather with temperatures from 15 to 25 degrees C and it was sad to come back to cold Norway where the snow is still found in many places! My next trip will be to Vienna in Austria in the beginning of May. Be sure to check out my blog then if you are interested in reading about that adventure!

Freiburg 3: 28. March 2011 - 07. April 2011