Monday, February 22, 2010

Last days in Sydney

A few weeks ago Work and Travel asked me if I could write something about my trip in Australia for them. Every month they feature one backpacker in their monthly newsletter that they send to partners around the world. So I did and as a thank you I got free entrance to the Sydney Tower, the tallest building in Sydney. Normally people go there one of their first days in Sydney because its one of the must do tourist attractions and its impossible to miss. I don't know why I didn't go before, but I am really happy I didn't. Looking out over Sydney from the top is a magnificent sight, but it was so much cooler when I knew the places I was looking at. I could see my old Backpacker hostel, Bondi Junction, the Airport, Darling Harbour, the bridge and opera house and Luna Park behind it. In addition the ticket included a virtual tour of Australia in a motion simulator. The quality wasn't that great, but it was a nice bonus.

Since I already was in the top of the tower for free, I decided to pay the extra 40 dollars to do the sky walk. The skywalk takes you outside the tower along passageways and viewing platforms. If I don't remember wrong it was 268? meters up. One of the platforms extended outwards so that if you looked down through the glass floor, you looked straight down to the street. It was very cool! The instructor was cracking jokes the whole time and also talking about the different landmark's. She also made us jump up and down on the platform so we could feel it sway. When thinking about it afterwards it was way less scary than they made it out to be and probably very overpriced, but it was still fun.

Valentines day fell on a Sunday this year, which was perfect since Annina had the day off. It was also on the same day as Chinese New Year which meant Chinatown was full of activity. I got her some nice chocolate, then we went to Chinatown to have a look. We saw dragon dancing and went to a market with loads of food and products. Afterwards we went to see Invictus at the cinema. It was a good movie! Then we + Kristin and Matthias went out for dinner. We went to a Italian restaurant. It was a good day.

I had to work 3 hours on my birthday, but it was in the morning so I was okay with it. However the bastards at work kept me there for 40 minutes overtime without pay. When I got back Annina had baked a cake for me. That was really nice! I got presents from Matthias, Kristin and Annina! Thank you! Also thanks to all who commented on my facebook and I haven't forgotten you Pappa, Tante Inger or Bestemor either! After cake we went to Hyde Park to relax and eat fruit. In the evening me and Annina went to a famous German Restaurant in Sydney called Löwenbräu. We had German food. It was expensive but delicious.


  1. I wouldn't have dared jump around up there. This is definitly NOT for people with fear of heights (me)!
    Can't wait to hear news of your trip. Have you been supporting Indian immigrants by eating indian food? Heard on the radio that australians are being encouraged to that effect.

  2. vi savner deg Audun!! Skal hilse fra alle sammen!!
