Sunday, May 29, 2011

Vienna Part 2: Food and Drink

Andrina showed us this nice cafe that was inside a building that had been a greenhouse earlier. There was still some plants left growing up the walls and around the roof and it made the atmosphere very nice. We had coffee's and I tried the house cake while Annina had Sachertorte

7 Stern Bräu
My godfather Tobias who lives in Vienna and whom I visited (more about that in my last post) and his wife suggested a few different places where we should go to eat and drink in Vienna. 7 Stern Bräu was one of them. It is a fairly large pub with a big main room and several smaller around. In the middle of the pub was the brewery were they made their own beer and around it the bar. It was almost packed the night we went there but we found a table in a corner and sat down to eat.

Me and Annina started off with Schnitzel and one of their many home brewed beers. The food was absolutely acceptable being a pub and all. I enjoyed my Schnitzel quite much and my side of potato salad was delicious as well. After we finished eating Andrina, Annina’s friend came and soon we were all trying all the different varieties of beer they had. One tasted like barbecue sauce, another had chili in it and was almost impossible to drink because it was burning your mouth! But my favorite was the beer brewed on hemp. It had a very nice flavor with that hint of hemp in the background that made it especially good.

Café Diglas
This cafè was also suggested to us so we went there to have lunch one day. I had a very interesting meal that I did not expect based on what I ordered on the menu. It was asparagus, chicken and rice with blueberries and caramel sauce. Sounds like a crazy combo I know, but it was actually very good. A positive surprise :) Annina had Kaiserschmarrn which is a light, caramelized pancake chopped in pieces and is also one of the typical dishes from Austria.

We were told that Figlmüller had the biggest and best Schnitzels in all of Vienna so it goes without saying that we had to check out this rumour and find out if the whispers were true :) There is actually two Figlmüller restaurants, but they are only 50 meters apart and from what I understood they have the same kitchen. As we walked past the first one we could see it was already packed, but the second one had a few tables left so we didn't have to wait.

I ordered the famous Schnitzel while Annina and Andrina ordered Knödel and baked cheese. The food arrived not long after and the rumour turned out to be true, my schnitzel was bigger than the dinner plate it was served on, in fact it was gigantic! It also tasted fantastic and has to be the best schnitzel I have ever eaten. It took all my willpower to finish it and that was still with some help from Annina. Afterwards I was so stuffed but happy :)

On the last Sunday in Vienna Andrina showed us a nice breakfast place that her friend Carla had suggested that had a Sunday brunch buffet. It was called Weltcafé and looking at the enormous selection of breakfast things to chose from the name fit very well. Of course we had to try everything and we ended up spending at least an hour eating. Yet again I ate so much I was totally stuffed. Then came the desert and magically I fit 3-4 different kinds of deserts as well. It was excellent food and a place I definitely recommend too.

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting post. This is a side to Vienna that is unknown to me, as I never could afford to eat out except at the cheapest places when I lived there.
