Wednesday, September 2, 2009


After some hectic days I am finally finished with all the stuff I had to do that I was to lazy to do earlier. It's typical for me to always wait until the last minute before doing anything, but as always I did manage to do almost everything.

Friday and Saturday I packed all my stuff from my apartment into cardboard boxes and plastic bags. Then on Sunday my father helped me move everything to my mom's place, it all fit on one trip! Monday I washed my apartment with help from my polish friend and his wife and I also said most of the goodbyes to my friends. Tuesday I finished up my resume or C.V. as we know it in Norway (I think the whole thing took 4 hours!), and I also finished up saying goodbye. It feels kind of strange knowing I won't be seeing you all for a whole year although I don't think I have fully realized it yet.

I took a picture of everything I am bringing. This is my life the next year except for anything I buy in Australia of course. Magically it all fit into my backpack.

Since this is the first post in my travel blog I'll update you all with some information.

I leave Gardermoen 16:55 with flight BA 767 and arrive in London (Heathrow) 18:15. After 4 hours of waiting I leave London 22:00 (flight BA 009) and arrive in Sydney 06:05. During that time I have a technical stop where the plane refuels (I believe in Bangkok), but we are not allowed to leave the plane. Now you might think that isn't such a long flight, but in reality it takes 23 hours! + a 9 hour time difference. I leave on the 2. sept and arrive on the 4. sept!

If anyone wants to send me something during my stay, which is always nice :D, please use the following address.

Audun Michael Knudsen
Work & Travel Company
Locked Bag A 4035
Sydney South
NSW 1235

I will be using this address during the whole stay. As for my mobile number. I am not sure yet how much I will use my Norwegian number. The prices are fairly steep. I will however be using an Australian number most of the time. Which is:

(+61) 451072299

My next post will be from Australia. I am going to miss you all!


  1. Snuffs! Rart å tenke på at du har reist til andre siden av verden. God tur!
