Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lamborghini's, Sunburns and an Apartment

Not that much new to tell but a few things are worth mentioning. Even though Sydney is not that big of a city in comparison to the biggest ones in the world, (It only has about 4-5 million people) it keeps surprising me. Like a few days ago when I was going to work. I had to head to the bus stop, a 10 minute walk. On the way I saw a Lamborghini. And don't you know on the way back from work I saw another one as well. Not often I see two different Lamborghini's cruising the streets in one day.

BTW: The bus stop I have to use to get to work is located on the other side of the street from Sydney Church of Scientology!

On Saturday I went to Coogee beach. After my first sunburn I have been very careful to put on sunscreen, but I must have missed a spot. The picture should show you where. Talking about Coogee beach, Ingrid, a Norwegian who is also staying in Sydney showed me a nice Laguna right next to the beach, where you could swim without the annoying waves. Thanks!

Sunday me and Matthias got up early and headed over to a German friend of Matthias. He and his friend is moving out of the apartment in a week and me and Matthias are taking over. The reason we had to go there on Sunday was to sign the contract and pay the bond. So now we officially have an apartment for the next two months. I will post some pictures when we actually move in :)

BTW: Across the street from the apartment is a Rudolf Steiner House :P

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I know people have been asking about my working situation. So far I have had a few day jobs that I get from the Work and Travel agency, but nothing consistent. Today for example I worked at a paper factory in the outskirts of Sydney. Its easy work and pays decent, but it's only once or twice a week and it's hard to save any money this way.

However I have been sending out some emails to companies and today it finally paid off. Next Tuesday I have a training session at a market research company in Sydney. They also have offices in Melbourne and Canberra. If everything goes well I hope I can start working there. I will know on Tuesday!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Back in Sydney (Again)

I realize people are requesting updates from me and I am sorry I haven't written that often in my blog. I have been in Sydney the last 3 weeks, staying at the hostel I was in last time, the Harbour City Hotel.

I have been partying every other night and making tons of new friends. I also met two Norwegian girls that have been staying in Sydney for a while. I have had some great times, but I can feel that I need to slow down on the nightlife soon :P

I also have had two day jobs while in Sydney. The first was working as a bar useful under the Melbourne Cup. The Melbourne Cup is a large horse racing event in Australia where everybody dresses up in nice cloths and gets drunk while they bet on horses. My job was to keep the fridge at the bar stocked and I also was in charge of ordering new products when we where running low.

Two days ago I also had a day job. I had to unload two containers with organic food for a food company. It was a lot of heavy lifting, but it was good exercise and the people where nice.

We also celebrated Halloween and almost everybody in the Hostel were dressed up as something. Me and my friend Matthias where pirates. It was a great night out.

I will try and keep you all updated more often from now on. In 2 weeks I move into an apartment with Matthias, and on Tuesday I am going to a job interview for a "real job"!

How am I?

I have been writing a lot about what I have been doing, the places and things I have seen but not so much about how I am. I am having a great time so far. I am traveling with a group of Germans and I am learning tons of German :P I know understand about 75% of everything they say and can speak a little bit. I am doing okay with money as well so I am not to worried about long term employment yet, although I am always looking. The temperature here is amazing as well, I have only had a few days of rain and the rest sun or cloudy. The temperature in Brisbane was around 20-30 every day. I am also getting some color, especially my face and arms are getting brown :) Sorry for not being on Skype or MSN. There is so much going on every day and because of the time difference it is so hard to find the time. But I always check my mail, so feel free to email me: fatsheep@gmail.com or call/text my Australian phone number: +61451072299. It is the only number I use and I can receive and send msg/calls to Norway from it. I hope everyone is doing okay! Family, Friends, Norstat, Red Cross and whoever else might be reading!