Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lamborghini's, Sunburns and an Apartment

Not that much new to tell but a few things are worth mentioning. Even though Sydney is not that big of a city in comparison to the biggest ones in the world, (It only has about 4-5 million people) it keeps surprising me. Like a few days ago when I was going to work. I had to head to the bus stop, a 10 minute walk. On the way I saw a Lamborghini. And don't you know on the way back from work I saw another one as well. Not often I see two different Lamborghini's cruising the streets in one day.

BTW: The bus stop I have to use to get to work is located on the other side of the street from Sydney Church of Scientology!

On Saturday I went to Coogee beach. After my first sunburn I have been very careful to put on sunscreen, but I must have missed a spot. The picture should show you where. Talking about Coogee beach, Ingrid, a Norwegian who is also staying in Sydney showed me a nice Laguna right next to the beach, where you could swim without the annoying waves. Thanks!

Sunday me and Matthias got up early and headed over to a German friend of Matthias. He and his friend is moving out of the apartment in a week and me and Matthias are taking over. The reason we had to go there on Sunday was to sign the contract and pay the bond. So now we officially have an apartment for the next two months. I will post some pictures when we actually move in :)

BTW: Across the street from the apartment is a Rudolf Steiner House :P


  1. That is so cool! the anthroposophical society across the street from your appartment. You should drop by and tell them that your mother, grandparents and greatgrandparents all are anthroposophists!
    Do the Christian Science people try to convert you when you are waiting for the bus?
    You mention work like it has become a regular thing - did you get the market research job?
    Take care of that sunburn. Aloe Vera lotion is good.
    Any plans for diving or more surfing?
    love Mamma

  2. The job I have right now was supposed to be a one day job at a warehouse, but every day they ask us to come back, its been a week now. The market research job is still in the works.

    I want to surf and dive at some point, but my only plans right now is to work and save money. I will be staying in Sydney until February I think.
