Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Taronga Zoo & Australian National Maritime Museum

Last Wednesday me, Annina with Angus and Sigrun with Lilja all went to the Taronga Zoo. Angus (2) is the smallest child in the family that Annina is an au pair in and likewise Lilja (1) is the smallest child in the family Sigrun is an au pair in. Taronga Zoo is a 15 minute ferry ride away from Sydney CBD located in a hillside with a view of the ocean. From the dock there is a gondola that goes over the whole Zoo and puts you on the topmost point and from there you can slowly work your way down towards the docks again.

Comparing Taronga Zoo and Melbourne Zoo they have almost the same animals although I like the layout and design of Taronga Zoo better. However Melbourne Zoo also has some very nice walks and all in all they are very equal. The kids loved the animals and had a really good time. Angus was especially enjoying the monkeys and elephants. I had a really good time as well!

Last Friday I went with Annina to the Australian National Maritime Museum. Normally you have to pay to get in, but in cooperation with the Chinese New Year celebrations the museum has a special exhibition that's for free. It is called Mythic Creatures and is a collaboration with many other museums, among them the American Museum of Natural History. We saw an add on the back of a bus and decided to check it out. I thought it was a very cool exhibition with a lot of interesting stuff to read and watch. It took mythical creatures and tried to explain how they where created, and why they can be important to people. Linking myth with reality in a very easy to understand way. One example was the griffin. The theory was that long ago humans found skeletons of flying dinosaurs. And since they did not have the technology that we have today, they had to dream up what this creature might have looked like. The skeleton of a griffin would look very similar to that of a flying dinosaur!

As some may have noticed, I changed my relationship status on facebook. I wont go into details on this blog. What I will say is that I have known Annina for close to 3 months and that we will travel together with Matthias and Kristin. Also, there is a big update coming soon, probably tomorrow or the day after!


  1. Hvor denne big updaten da??? Nå har vi ventet en hel evighet her hjemme. Haha.

  2. Hei Audun. Ja nå er det like før du fyller år, og tante og bestemor vil gratulere deg med dagen. Jeg skjønner at du har det toppers, og det er bra. Setter inn noen kroner til deg fra bestemor, det kommer sikkert godt med. Penger er alltid noe en trenger. Her er det fortsat kaldt, -10 grader, men 23 februar reiser jeg til Kanariøyene i to uker,det skal blir deilig. Ha en fortsat fin tid i Australia, og pass godt på deg selv. Stor klem fra tante og bestemor.

  3. Re Niina: Det lurer jeg også på!

  4. Beklager så mye, men tiden flyr fra meg :P Update kommer i kveld eller i morgen.
