Monday, October 11, 2010

Freiburg, part 3

On Saturday morning me and Annina went to the münster market, a market outside the big church. Annina wanted to show me some of the local favorites and we were also shopping groceries for Annina's mom. I had a delicious sausage at one of the many sausage stalls and we also bought a famous cheese cake which is only available at the market. There was so many people with bags from the cheese cake stall so it was apparently very famous. It also tasted delicious.

Later on in the day we went to watch SC Freiburg play against Køln in the Bundesliga, the highest division in Germany. From what I was told SC Freiburg was playing exceptionally good this season and where in 5th place before the match. The stadium was packed with people of all ages. It was really nice to see that a lot of families with kids had shown up too. The game was as good as it could get and although I am not that into Germany soccer I was quickly dragged into the home supporters songs and screaming. At the end of the match I was a true SC Freiburg fan! The game ended 3:2 to SC Freiburg and they climbed to 4th place. Bonus info: Lukas Podolski (famous German striker on the national team) played for Køln.

On sunday morning we headed back to the Münster (the church), this time to climb up into the bell tower. After a long climb up a narrow stone staircase we reached the first main room. From here we first climbed another stone staircase (halfway outside the church) up to the topmost vantage point that was open (the very highest point was closed due to renovation). Here we had a fantastic view of the city below. The second thing we did was climb up to the bell room. There were bells in all sizes, some gigantic and weighing many tons and others much smaller. As we were standing there the bells began to ring and we both got startled by the loud noise.

Later in the day we went with Ursa (Annina's mom) and Niklas to Ursa's garden a 20 minutes bike ride away. The garden was located in the hillside overlooking Freiburg and she used it to grow different kinds of vegetables. The woods surrounding the garden were filled with chestnuts and we spent an hour or two collecting them. Afterwards we had lunch with a Finnish man who also used the garden. He had built a primitive house that he used to live in during summer time. He had cooked pumpkin soup and baked bread in an oven he had made. It was really nice to sit on his veranda and eat and enjoy the warm sunny weather.

That evening me and Annina went to a Shisha restaurant called Cafe Istanbul. Here you could order a Shisha pipe and any type of tobacco in addition to drinks and snacks. We went for lemon flavored Shisha and I had a glass of lemonade while Annina had a cup of apple tea. The cafe played Turkish pop music on the television and it was funny to watch it. It really set the atmosphere of the place.

Monday morning we went to a restaurant on a hill on the opposite side of Freiburg. The building looked like a castle and right next to it was a small church. We met a friend of Annina and had breakfast together there. We wanted to play minigolf afterwards, but the minigolf place was closed because of to many leaves. We then went to the restaurant where Annina worked before she went to Australia to eat a famous cake they had, but of course they didn't have that either. We still had another really good cake and the day wasn't totally ruined by our bad luck. Right next to the restaurant was a small lake with a path around it and we walked around it and enjoyed the view.

That evening Annina's father had invited us over to eat dinner and play cards. He had cooked lots of jummy food, the potatoes and baked pumpkin being my favorite. After dinner and desert (cherry cake) we all sat down and played Rummy 500. I taught them the American rules and we played for many hours. It was a lot of fun. Every round the leader was changing and it was a close race the whole way. In the end I was almost guaranteed a win, but then Ursa got an extremely good round and beat me by 10 points.

Nothing worth mentioning happened my last day and it was with sadness that I left on Wednesday morning. I took the ICE express train to the airport in Frankfurt and then flew back to Norway. However I am going back in the end of November, so expect more posts about Germany then! Also be sure to check out the slide show under or my Picasa profile for all the pictures I took!

Freiburg 1: 25. September 2010 - 06. October 2010

1 comment:

  1. freiburg is still on 5th place, there wasnt any other match, the next one is next saturday, but i cant watch it cause i have to work, buhuuu its against bremen one of my other favourite teams, cause my godmother is living there, klose played there for a long time and i like the coach and the city!!!
    tja thats how working live is...
    im happy you liked it here, you are always welcome to visit but i think you know that. both me and my family enjoyed having you around and it was a lot of fun to show you the city and my home!which is your second one now ;)
