Saturday, November 7, 2009

Back in Sydney (Again)

I realize people are requesting updates from me and I am sorry I haven't written that often in my blog. I have been in Sydney the last 3 weeks, staying at the hostel I was in last time, the Harbour City Hotel.

I have been partying every other night and making tons of new friends. I also met two Norwegian girls that have been staying in Sydney for a while. I have had some great times, but I can feel that I need to slow down on the nightlife soon :P

I also have had two day jobs while in Sydney. The first was working as a bar useful under the Melbourne Cup. The Melbourne Cup is a large horse racing event in Australia where everybody dresses up in nice cloths and gets drunk while they bet on horses. My job was to keep the fridge at the bar stocked and I also was in charge of ordering new products when we where running low.

Two days ago I also had a day job. I had to unload two containers with organic food for a food company. It was a lot of heavy lifting, but it was good exercise and the people where nice.

We also celebrated Halloween and almost everybody in the Hostel were dressed up as something. Me and my friend Matthias where pirates. It was a great night out.

I will try and keep you all updated more often from now on. In 2 weeks I move into an apartment with Matthias, and on Tuesday I am going to a job interview for a "real job"!


  1. Hei Audun! Så morro å følge med på bloggen din! Virker som du har det bra der borte! Her er snøen kommet nå, men ikke kulda enda (heldigvis)! vi savner deg her i norge! Fortsett å oppdater! Skal hilse fra alle sammen! Ha det fint!! Klemmeh

  2. So glad to see both of your updates. I am as always interrested in what you are doing and seeing and how you are. Seems like you have no lack of pretty girls hanging on your arm!
    Send a picture of Mathias and the appartment.
    good luck with the job interview! Loved the way you described the horse racing event! Glad you are having fun. Are you still planning to learn to dive? and go to cowboy school? We think about you alot. Love you.
