Saturday, November 7, 2009

How am I?

I have been writing a lot about what I have been doing, the places and things I have seen but not so much about how I am. I am having a great time so far. I am traveling with a group of Germans and I am learning tons of German :P I know understand about 75% of everything they say and can speak a little bit. I am doing okay with money as well so I am not to worried about long term employment yet, although I am always looking. The temperature here is amazing as well, I have only had a few days of rain and the rest sun or cloudy. The temperature in Brisbane was around 20-30 every day. I am also getting some color, especially my face and arms are getting brown :) Sorry for not being on Skype or MSN. There is so much going on every day and because of the time difference it is so hard to find the time. But I always check my mail, so feel free to email me: or call/text my Australian phone number: +61451072299. It is the only number I use and I can receive and send msg/calls to Norway from it. I hope everyone is doing okay! Family, Friends, Norstat, Red Cross and whoever else might be reading!

1 comment:

  1. Åh Audun! :)
    Så godt å høre at du er i orden.. var begynt å bli skikkelig bekymra!!.. men skal si ifra til andre som også lurer at du er okay og ahr det bra :) not sold to slavery ;p hehe..

    Gla i deg! Kos deg videre!!!!! <3
