Monday, January 4, 2010


23. December
I had to work at Luna Park this day so I did not do anything special.

24. December
Our plan was to go to the beach in the day, but the weather was gray and cold. In stead we went to the park and relaxed. My mother called me and that was nice! Thanks mom! I have to admit I did not have much Christmas feeling even though we had a Christmas tree and everything. But it was very sweet when we opened our packages from each other. Our polish flatmate is a great cook and had made some wonderful food for us. And me, Matthias and Kristin made potato salad for everyone. We had no recipe and I was surprised at how good it turned out to be. Our plan was to go out to a disco after dinner, but we never got that far due to feeling way to full of food plus to much beer :). It was a very different Christmas eve, but I had a good time.

25. December
Again the plan was to go to the beach, but the weather was still shit so I was just chilling in the apartment. In the evening we went out to a restaurant to eat dinner. It was very nice to do something a little bit special. The plan was to go out since we never got that far the day before, but apparently nothing can be open on the 25th in Australia. We had to go disappointed back home.

The rest of Christmas was pretty much normal. I had to work the 26th and 27th, but I went out and partied with my friends and had a good time. Sadly the weather has been like crap from Christmas eve until now so, there hasn't been a lot of beach time :P As promised I have included a photo of me in my working uniform.


  1. where are all the christmas trees in the pictures?

  2. The first is from Darling Harbour, the second is the one we had in our apartment and the third is from the Queen Victoria Building, which is a classy shopping center.
