Friday, September 18, 2009

Surf Camp

On Monday 07:15 AM a group of people including me, left Sydney in 3 minibuses and headed for Surf Camp Australia. Surf Camp is located about 2.5 hours south of Sydney in a small town called Gerroa The place is filled with summer homes and has a very relaxed atmosphere. The beach is called Seven Mile Beach and is part of Seven Mile Beach National Park.

As soon as we had put our luggage in our rooms, we where given wetsuits and surfboards and where heading down to the beach. Each day consisted of 2x2 hour lessons, and every lesson we learned something new. It started of with how to get up on the surfboard, then different techniques to gain speed and balance, and ended with learning how to do turns.

Even after the first 2 hours I realized that surfing is a sport that requires strength. My arms where hurting from all the paddling, and after 4 days my whole body was aching. I had a fantastic time though, the food was great, the instructors where super friendly and the surfing thrilling.

The only downside to surfing is putting on a wet and cold wetsuit 6:00 AM in the morning to go down to the beach and surf as the sun came up. The water was not very warm ether, but because of all the exercising I was not freezing much. I made some new friends as well, and 5 of us signed up for the extended 10 day surf trip up the Australian east cost. This takes place next Thursday and I will get back to that after it is finished.

I realized that surfing takes a ton of practice and although I now know the basics, the only way to progress is to surf as much as possible. Especially doing turns or surfing along the waves at an angle is hard and something I have to work with.

After the 4 days of surf camp the whole group headed back to Sydney for a farewell party at a bar called Scubar. I had a great time there as well and didn't get to bed until 2:00 AM


  1. aa Audun! Det ser saa utrolig kult ut! er saa misunnelig! synes det er bra at du i det heletatt klarte aa staa oppreist paa det brettet jeg:P mer enn jeg ville klart!;D

    Ser ut som du har det fint.. og det er koselig :)
    Savner deg! <3 klem

  2. Åååå. Det å så opp klokka 6 om morgenen får å surfe er så Home And Away. Jeg vil åååå, så kan vi dra til Palm Beach å leke Home and Away. Hihi!

    Ser ut som du har det kjempe fint og at du var flink med surfingen:D

  3. OK, now you know the main thing you need to know to visit me here in San Diego. Put it on your extended travel list. There's plenty of great surfing here!

  4. Wow you look so elegant on that surfboard. Like a pro! And it looks like so much fun! Have you started working yet? or are you just on vacation for now. What kind of work can you get? Can you for example get work at a surf camp? And of course I wouldn't be me if I didn't ask - who is the girl?
    love Mamma

  5. I am still on vacation, I am going to try and find work in the beginning of October, or that is the plan at least.

    The girl is just one of the other participants on the surf camp, she is Dutch.
